Win Trust & Gain Credibility on Video Camera, Virtually from Home

Engaging, compelling, and highly interactive, Mark Bowden’s virtual webinars, virtual group training, and virtual one-on-one coaching will provide you and your team with new skills and best practices to improve communication and collaboration, while working remotely.


A webinar designed and delivered by body language and digital communication expert Mark Bowden will empower your audience with the most accessible skills and best practices for bringing the best of themselves to every video call.
In these highly sought after webinar presentations, Mark helps audiences with everything from room, tech and personal set up, to the most effective techniques to listen, understand and optimally interact with any and all stakeholders, clients and potential customers, and all via video call from your wfh office.
Mark gives audiences the skills they need to showcase presence, empathy, energy and connection, how to listen and observe others more effectively, and how to be influential and persuasive – all while counteracting issues like “zoom fatigue” and mitigating interpersonal and technical hiccups that can come with video calls.
Based on years of experience working with virtual media and on the science of communication, Mark leverages a thorough understanding of human social behaviour by developing techniques to maximize communication impact and connect you with your teams, clients or prospects, even when everyone is working remotely. Mark’s virtual keynotes are customized to you with plenty of opportunity for Q & A, interaction, and troubleshooting new challenges as they arise.

Group Training
Help your team always bring their A-Game to every Pitch or Presentation
Group Training

With an interactive practical communication training virtual workshop from Mark Bowden, sales teams quickly learn the physical, vocal and story structuring skills and techniques that lend well to video calls and add impact, power, and presence to every meeting or pitch.

Participants learn how to immediately gain engagement and hold it throughout a meeting, listen and respond more effectively encouraging participation and social connection – an essential skill to get the best results when doing business virtually.
Mark offers coaching to leadership and sales teams, sales partners, and individuals to gain confidence and support each other in achieving sales goals, even while working remotely.

One-to-one Coaching
Individual Coaching on Virtual Presentation and meeting skill
One-to-one Coaching

TRUTHPLANE’s one-to-one virtual Presentation Coaching is already empowering leading salespeople, business leaders, and top ranking politicians to get the results they are after just as well on video calls as live and in person.
Mark will coach you on your communication strategy and direction, your business story structure, as well as empower you with his trusted techniques that allow top performers to hold an audience in the palm of their hand—by understanding how to use media-friendly gestures and key words that convey authority, passion, truth, and sincerity.
Through accessible expert body language techniques and influential listening and linguistic skills, you too can stand out, win trust and gain credibility with clients, prospects and stakeholders every time you present.


Online LEarning
Build Trust Together with Persuasive Group Presentation Skills
Online LEarning

With a practical communication training seminar from Mark Bowden, sales teams quickly learn the physical and vocal skills and techniques that lend well to video calls and add impact, power, and presence to a pitch.

Learn the most effective presentation techniques for leadership, motivation and sell via video from your home office
Presentation Skills for Leaders
This series of concise and compelling video modules teaches you the best practices of how to use your body language in presentations, to lead, and sell, both in person and virtually from your home office environment.
In less than an hour, you can understand the most effective techniques for increasing engagement and building credibility both live and in virtual presentations. Along with a series of bonus videos, you get a downloadable Communication Success Quick Study Guide—packed with top tips from Mark Bowden on the fundamentals of communication and the TRUTHPLANE® GesturePlane™ method, presentation prep checklists, easy steps to impactful and persuasive communication, and much more; and our downloadable at-a-glance GesturePlane™ System Guide.
With this training, you will:
- Know exactly how to win trust, gain credibility and motivate every time you communicate live or via video
- Learn how your own body language over calls can keep you calm, assertive and open, and can motivate others to do the same
- Learn simple methods of effective listening that help others feel understood and keep engaged
- Understand the factors that cause people to feel disempowered, and how to mitigate them to keep the team motivated
With this training, you will:
- Learn new strategies to keep people focused on a goal even when the world is rapidly changing
- Learn Mark’s world-renowned TRUTHPLANE® GesturePlane™ System to build trust and credibility around you and your message
- Understand how you are judged when you speak and how you can create positive first and lasting impressions
- Discover new ways to engage your audience with slide presentations
- Build your self-confidence every time you present

Presentation Genius
This self-directed online training program crafted and presented by expert trainers Mark Bowden and Michael Bungay Stanier teaches participants proven techniques to continuously knock presentations and facilitations out of the park.

Totalling just over 5 hours of training, this series brings together unique modules on:
- How to master any public speaking anxiety
- Ways to set up any room for a successful meeting, workshop, or presentation
- The neuroscience and practice of how we effectively engage others
- Building trust, credibility, and influence through body language
- Masterful facilitation tips for getting the most out of a group
- Creating useful takeaway materials, and avoiding “Death by PowerPoint”
- Dealing with disruptive behaviours and maximizing teamwork
- …and so much more!

Learn from Co-Authors of the Globe & Mail Bestseller, TRUTH & LIES Mark & Tracey as they dive into body language mythbusters
Body Language MythBusters
Start your journey to discovering exactly how to best read body language by studying the truth and lies behind behavior analysis, and bust the many myths around nonverbal behavior.