by mark | Feb 23, 2013 | Uncategorized
You may have heard Seth Godin talk about the reptilian brain and fear or you may even have followed David Icke writings on a reptilian conspiracy… Well here’s a new, simple and all together more sane system for understanding and controlling the behavior...
by mark | Apr 14, 2011 | Media Appearance, News, Public Speaking, Video, Winning Body Language
Body Language expert Mark Bowden contributes to a Global News report on the nonverbal messages that leaders may have been sending during the Canadian federal election debate 2011.
by mark | Apr 11, 2011 | Communication Success, Media Appearance, Public Speaking, Uncategorized, Winning Body Language
Listen to Mark Bowden read the first part of the summery of his book Winning Body Language for Success Book Summaries. “ Winning Body Language, perhaps one of the most comprehensive books on the power of nonverbal communication on the market today, shows readers how...
by mark | Jan 9, 2011 | Media Appearance, News, Presenting, Public Speaking, Winning Body Language
In August 2010 Mark Bowden was profiled by Tina Rogers for the inspirational online magazine Tempo Toronto. Here is an edited except from this revealing interview… Mark Bowden knows how to win trust, before uttering a single word. A natural people person, it’s...
by mark | Jan 8, 2011 | Communication Success, Fundamentals, Public Speaking, unGeeked
On October 29th 2010, Mark Bowden spoke at the Toronto unGeeked Elite Retreat about the evolutionary psychology behind communicating within social media. Here is an edited excerpt from award winning social media expert Heather Taylor’s blog about Mark’s speech… First...
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