by mark | Jan 8, 2011 | Communication Success, Fundamentals, Public Speaking, unGeeked
On October 29th 2010, Mark Bowden spoke at the Toronto unGeeked Elite Retreat about the evolutionary psychology behind communicating within social media. Here is an edited excerpt from award winning social media expert Heather Taylor’s blog about Mark’s speech… First...
by mark | Jan 7, 2011 | Media Appearance, Public Speaking, unGeeked, Video
When: March 3-5th 2011 — Where: Orlando Florida Join our community: #unGeeked Our chat: Thursdays, 8PM EST – Join the Conversation! #unGeeked 3-day registerations SAVE 10% – Use code: unGEEKEDFLORIDA (all caps). What is an unGeeked e’lite...
by mark | Oct 27, 2010 | Communication Success, Fundamentals, Presenting, Public Speaking
The messages you send are decoded and given meaning in the minds of your audience. Therefore, the golden rule of communication success is to understand It’s not about you—it’s about the audience
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