by mark | Jan 7, 2011 | Media Appearance, Public Speaking, unGeeked, Video
When: March 3-5th 2011 — Where: Orlando Florida Join our community: #unGeeked Our chat: Thursdays, 8PM EST – Join the Conversation! #unGeeked 3-day registerations SAVE 10% – Use code: unGEEKEDFLORIDA (all caps). What is an unGeeked e’lite...
by mark | Dec 13, 2010 | Media Appearance, Presentation Structures, Presenting, Public Speaking, unGeeked
Twitter can be a great tool to capture a sense of what captivates your audience most when you present. Here is the feed from Mark Bowden’s recent speech on evolutionary psychology, neurology and the “Reptilian” brain’s effect on communication...
by mark | Oct 27, 2010 | Communication Success, Fundamentals, Presentation Structures, Public Speaking
Human communication reduced to its simplest form consists of a source transmitting a message to a receiver to achieve a result. Within this system the most important component is your intention; therefore When you speak have a goal
by mark | Oct 16, 2010 | Communication Success, Presentation Structures, Public Speaking
It’s simple, solid and effective: good speeches are peppered with lists of three items. Say it, stress it again and build on what was stressed. Like any great structure, the great spoken word is simple and repetitious. “Friends, Romans,...
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